Manifest It All in 2020

Get aligned with your dreams, manifest some magic, and make 2020 the best year yet!

Plan the next 12 months of your life in a way that is effortless and easy + aligned with your Higher Self so you can Manifest Your Dream life!



Because people don’t know how to PROPERLY set goals + use the power of Manifestation to achieve them! 

It’s extremely challenging to change your mind.

And if you continue to THINK the same way, you’ll ACT the same way, and end up with a REALITY that is the same year after year….

But this year things are going to be different.

This year for 2020, you’ll learn how to actually set achievable goals + the process to take to crush them!




There is the RIGHT WAY to set goals and there is the WRONG way to set goals.

❌ THE WRONG WAY ❌: set a goal. Hope and pray it works out.


😃 THE RIGHT WAY 😃: take Emyrald’s “Manifest it All in 2020” workshop and learn how to properly set your goals, use the power of the subconscious mind to your advantage, and the spiritual laws (such as Law of Attraction) in order to CONSCIOUSLY CREATE your dream life!




🌟 The Top 5 Mistakes Most Make When Setting Their Goals/Intentions

🌟 The MOST IMPORTANT Key To Manifesting Your Dreams

🌟 The Easy Process to Let Go of Past Mistakes (So That You Can Focus On What You Are Creating)

🌟 The Proper Way to Set Goals That Are In Alignment With Your Higher Self

🌟 How to Identify What You Actually Want in 2020

🌟 The Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Manifest (and What To Do Instead)

🌟 How to Achieve the Goals You Set for 2020



🌟 Replay of the Event

🌟 A workbook to guide you through the exercises

🌟 2 Guided Mediations + 1 Guided Hypnosis

🌟 Lifetime access to the Masterclass to use each and every year to set yourself up for success!

🌟 Accountability call in February (when most resolutions are given up)



🌟 My Powerful 3 Meditation Bundle designed to help you Manifest Love, Money and the Life of Your Dreams!


Investment in Creating the Best Year Yet in 2020: only $47

Registration includes instant access to the workshop and all materials. 

(By purchasing this product you agree to our terms and conditions)



📣 “I’m now engaged to the absolute love of my life and undoubtedly my soulmate!!! I tell all my friends about it and greatly appreciate your worksheets and meditation!!!” – Tory 

📣 “I have seen a difference in me and my thoughts, the way I react and look at things and to be honest I thought I loved myself before despite everything that has happened but today I realised I truly love myself deeply and unconditionally because I am amazing and worthy of love.” – Alex


📣 “ Within a few days my mindset completely shifted, I did the guided meditation to let GO of past relationships (5) I had been holding onto for about 10 years. I wasn’t even aware I was still holding on until I did the meditation and literally felt the difference.

Last week I started to feel drawn to a man who has always respected me and has expressed interest in me, who before I kept ruling out. He is intelligent, attractive, fit and most important to me has a heart of gold and we have similar life goals and outlooks.

I can’t say yet if he is the ONE but how amazing it feels to finally be attracted toward a man of his caliber and integrity feels SO good! 💜💜💜” – Christine 


📣  “Not only have I learned so much valuable information about myself and gained so many lifelong tools, I also feel so positive and hopeful.” – Lauren


📣  “For the first time in my life I was empowered to ask for what I wanted in a relationship in a way that the guy I was dating understood and respected. I was powerful and feminine at the same time.” – Nikki 


📣  “Emyrald has changed my life. She has guided me, taught me, unveiled my potential in finding love. She is an incredible force for love in the world! Every conversation I have with Emyrald is enlightening.  I now see men and my interactions with them in a new way!” – Sherri


📣 “Working with Emyrald is exactly what I had been been looking for and needed in my life, and of course it happened all in perfect timing. This program has changed my life forever and I am brimming with joy about the endless possibilities. One click on a free master class has lead me to a priceless transformation.” – Jessie 


📣 “I love Emyrald’s energy. She is real; she is authentic; she is humble and down-to-earth. I love how she can talk to everyone with such passion and strength. She gave me clear steps on how to move forward. Emyrald’s knowledge about mindfulness and how to live with intent is beyond.  She knows how to guide you and how to give you the right push of energy for you to see that we all are limitless. By working with Emyrald you not only get a great life coach but a soul sister who is going to support you every step of the way. She is just fucking awesome!” – Laura V.


Get aligned with your dreams, manifest some magic, and make 2020 the best year yet!

Plan the next 12 months of your life in a way that is effortless and easy + aligned with your Higher Self so you can Manifest Your Dream life!




Hey! I’m Emyrald and I am a (self-proclaimed) Manifestation Queen.

In only two years of starting my business, I manifested the house, the guy, the six-figure business and so much more! 

But life wasn’t always a bowl of cherries. 

🌟 For years I didn’t make more than $2,000 a month. 

🌟 I fell into a hole of $60,000 in debt at one point. 

🌟 I bounced around from relationship to relationship of men who didn’t really value me. 

🌟 I have been a serial entrepreneur since I was 18 but could never seem to make my business ‘stick.’ 

Until I learned the “Manifest it ALL” goal-setting process that allowed me to quickly manifest the things, the person, the lifestyle, the money, and the business I desired. 


🌟 If you’re ready to learn that process, don’t hesitate one minute longer babe and join us to make 2020 the best year yet!  🌟


It’s my mission, my passion, and my purpose on this planet to help women learn how to Manifest it All!

And now it’s your turn to rise up into your true self… which is a powerful creator of your own reality!


Manifest It All in 2020
