Transforming Fear to Faith | Make Decisions Aligned with Love

When you live your life + make decisions from a place of high vibration (aka LOVE) your life will be a reflection of the love that lives within you.

But when you live in fear and make choices based on fear-based thinking such as, ‘what if it doesn’t work’ or ‘what if I get hurt’ or even ‘better to play it safe,’ then your life will 100% be a reflection of those fears + the feelings associated with them.

In this incredible and powerful 2 hour experience, you’ll learn how to raise your vibration, release your fears and always make decisions from an aligned place of power, source energy + love.

Price: $111 

Includes video training, workbook + guided meditation.

*Instant + Lifetime access included in the price.*



Transforming Fear to Faith | Make Decisions Aligned with Love
